Thursday, 11 March 2021

user password reset for user re-use in hdbuserstore list

case studies:

  1. If the HDB user password is restarted by the user, with out updating the password in hdbuserstore list. then the following steps need to perform.
  2. If the user is locked, due to wrong password in hdbuserstore list.
  3. Generally hdbuserstore key allows 6 attempts of wrong password, after that user will locked.
  4. hdbuserstore list keys basically use for scripts.


alter user <user name> reset connect attempts.

alter user <user name> active user now

To change password:

alter user <user nsame> password <password>

Saturday, 6 March 2021

How to check HA replication info

open putty session and execute below sequence of commands:

 1. sudo su - <sid>adm


3.replication info

check the time stamp in the lines:
                replylogpostimestamp : 20.12.2020 - 11.32.15

                shippedlogpostTimestamp : 21.12.2020 - 11.32.15

                       * 32 - seconds.

                       * 15 - msec

CPU ideal is critical

 CPU ideal is critical in some cases, 

1. SM51 --> select correct instance --> select time column --> sort --> descending order.
                   copy and paste the running Work process info in to notepad for analysis.

2. Login to the putty, issue command: sar -u 


Tuesday, 2 March 2021

consumption of the work process during an specific task - using script

 There are many useful scripts that can use the DPMON output in order to continuously monitor the usage of a specific resource (e.g. Work Process actions) for analysis. 

The below script will take the output of the work process table long version and direct it to a text file called dpmon.log every 30 seconds. With this kind of log file you can have a clear view of the consumption of the work process during an specific task you are performing in the system, for example.

My reference:

command pidof- To list all the process ID of one service @ OS level

 pidof - To list all the process id (PID) of one service at operating system(OS) level use the below commad.

$ pidof  <service_name>



$ pidof  sapstartsrv              


list of PID running for sapstartsrv


use cases:

to kill all the PID of one service @ OS level, need to collect all the pid numbers of running the above pidof command, can collect list of pid of the service.

How to use dpmon tool - to monitor work process status @OS

 Dpmon - Dispatcher monitoring 

Dpmon tool is use to check the status of  work process or dispatcher queue @ operating system level without login to SAP GUI.

use cases:

1. To get the status of work process @ OS level, when the SAP GUI login is not possible.

Practical steps:

1.login to putty session using <sid>adm user.

2.To list down the available profiles, issue command- cdpro or (/sapmnt/<SID>/profile)

3.follow by command - ls

4.dpmon pf=<use_the_profile_used_for_application_server> - results shows dispatcher queue statistics.

5.type 'm' to display all the menu available for the dpmon.

6.type 'I' to display work process overview.

7.step 4,5,6 can be replace with command - dpmon m i

8.if all the work process are full take the PID of the work process and kill the process id with command- kill -9 <PID>

Different kinds of HA DR replication modes and operation modes