Thursday, 30 April 2020

List Of AWS Activites

  • The most update region data center in AWS is US EAST (N. Virginia), Because it is the oldest Data center among all other data centers in when ever a new services launches.It will first update in US EAST (N. Virginia). 

1. How to signup for AWS
      Note: on an EBS-backed instance, the default action is for the root EBS volume to be deleted when the instance is terminated.
20.Deleting EBS volume manually.                                    
* the below OS level command will help you to update, the  resize value at OS level.

 sudo resize2fs /dev/xvdf     

# check with df -h for the updated volume size

df -h
33. Choosing the correct EC2 instance is always have the significance impact.

Basically instance have 5 distinct characters, based on which correct instance can be selected.

1. RAM(type,amount,generation)

2.CPU(type,make,frequency,generation,number of cores)

3.I/O  (disk performance, EBS optimisations)

4.Network(network bandwidth,network latency)

5.Graphical processing unit(GPU): it is the graphical processing a normal computer that provides people a screen, it's  used to compute the color of the pixels on a screen.

All types of instance information is available in

34.RAM monitoring in AWS EC2

35.CPU monitoring @ OS level and in AWS console level

36.I/O monitoring in both OS level and AWS console

37.Network monitor @ Linux Operating system Level

38.What is Burstable instance(T2) in AWS EC2

         T2 Unlimited - How to configure unlimited brust

39. EC2 is one of the most popular of AWS offering,It mainly consists in the capability of

  • Renting virtual machines (EC2)
  • Storing data on virtual drives(EBS)
  • Distributing load across machines(ELB)
  • Scaling the services using an auto scaling group(ASG).Auto scaling is free service from AWS
         39.(a)   Concept of Auto Scaling EC2      
         39.(b)  Auto Scaling Group - Hands on 
          summary: if by any chance, any instance is terminated. and the desired value of ec2 instances is greater after the termination. then Auto scaling group will launch new EC2 instances automatically.

  • suppose if the desired value increased from 2 to 4 EC2 instances, then ASG will create 2 new instances automatically.
  • vice versa if the desired value changes from 4 to 2 instances, then ELB will delete the 2 instances. 
40. Majorly they are 3 data transfer tool available to copy data from on-premises datacenter to AWS datacenter.
  1. Snowball/Snowmobile - which can be used to transfer huge data from on-premise to AWS datacenter through a private AWS network.
  2. Data sync agent - click here for more info         
  3. AWS direct connect - click here for more info

47. security groups: Security groups are acting as a Firewall on EC2 instances
  They regulate:

  • Access to ports
  • Authorized or forbidden IP (ranges) - IPv4 and IPv6
  • Control of inbound network( from other to the instance)
  • Control of outbound network (from the instance to other)
    Points to be consider in Security groups:

  • Can be attached to multiple instances.
  • Locked down to a region /VPC combination.
  • Does live outside the EC2 - if the traffic is blocked the EC2 instance won't see it.
  • it's good to maintain one separate security group for SSH access.
  • if your application is not accessible( time out ),then it's a security group issue.
  • if your application gives a Connection refused error, then it's an application error or it's not launched.
  • All inbound traffic is blocked by default
  • All outbound traffic is authorized by default
Subnet masking in the security groups:

Based on the above screenshot the cidr value, need to update in security groups.                                       

To calculate cidr use this link:


* Make sure to add load balancer in to the security groups, Then only the load balancer DNS link will work for the application in browser.

pricing of load balancers info is available in:

56. So far we seen EC2 on demand instances:

      on demand EC2 instances: You can quickly create them and quickly discard them.
                                                  You only paid for what you use.

      other options:
               Reserved instances: discount when you use an EC2 for a long time.
               Spot instances: cheaper instances you can lose at any time.
               Dedicated hosts: more expensive instances as you reserve hardware in AWS.

   56(b):Spot instance
   56(d): EC2 Dedicated host

1 comment:

  1. Amazing write-up..! Naveen
    i appreciate your efforts to help others..great,
    all the best and and keep on posting..
