Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Background Jobs notes 6: Event based background job scheduling

 Event based background job scheduling

Based on jobs are successfully completed, (nested jobs).once the completion of one successfully job another job need to schedule.


1. After an event: ABAP program/cmd.
2.After a (predessor) job: once after completing job1--> job2
3.operation mode:  only planed operation mode the BG job need to schedule.

Creation of Event

step 1:T-code:   sm64 (Background events: overview & Administration).

step 2:click on Create.

step 3:provide details: --> event name
step 4: sm36

               --> provide general data
               -->ABAP program( in Step)

step 5: in start condition  --> choose After an event 

step 6: sm37 --> check the status with Event based filter.

step 7: sm64 --> trigger the event.

disk management -1

disk management -1

Background Jobs notes 5:Background job processing - standard BG jobs

standard BG jobs scheduling and modification.

step 1: T-code - sm36.

step 2: click on standard jobs.

step 3:click on default scheduling  --> it deploy all the standard BG jobs.

step 4:in schedule standard job section -->provide inputs
                                                                       -->start time.
                                                                       -->periodic value
step 5: SAVE

info: to get the WP info, for BG job which in Active status.

T-code: sm37 -->select the BG job -->details 

*cancellation of BG job can happened in SM50.

Monday, 15 April 2019

Background Jobs notes 4:Background job processing

Background Jobs notes 4:time based Background job processing

Types of time based BG job scheduling

  1. immediate start job.
  2. periodic scheduling (particular time/Date).
Ex programs: RSPARAM ,RSPFPAR to check profile parameters.

suppose to get the program for the respective t-code:
2 ways are available
1. Access the T-code --> system--> status.
2. SE16 -->TSTC -->filter with T-code, which need program information.

  • the scheduling of program,as a BG  job can also done directly from the program in se38 itself.
menu --> program -->execute in background--> provide o/p device --> start time--> provide start condition-->check -->save.

the monitor of background job output can be done in sm37.
job logs: To check the status of job. example: job stated, no. of PO created,job finished.
Spool:select the job --> spool--> to see the output of background job --> click on print --> to print the output of background job.

info: variant info of already scheduled info can be found in job logs.

creation of variant:
-->provide: program name
-->select (.) variants check box
-->provide variant name -->click on create.

--> screen prompts for target(program) screen.
--> provide the variant input.
-->click on Attributes
--> provide meaning.

creation of variant process completed.

* if the need of BG job for single time only then specify the variant in the program screen and choose execute in background option.

scheduling a background job in sm36:

1. access T-code: sm36

2.provide General data:

                              --> job name.
                              -->job class.
                              -->Exec target 
                              -->spool list recipient.
3.step --> program

                  ABAP program:

                      -->language: on check.
6. To create multiple steps in same BG job. --> click on create button.
8.start condition:

provide start time/Date inputs.

9. save again.

-->To check the detail output of the BG job. use spool option.

  • rdisp/btctime --> background job scheduler.
  • the purpose of these parameter is when a job is schedule at BG job at Immediately.But the all BG  WP are Busy.then the scheduled BG job will save in SAP table, these schedular parameter will read the wait BG jobs from the tables and Execute again.
  • rdisp/btctime is used to load balancing also, if the SAP Application is multi Dialog instance one.
  • if the ''Exec target server'' is not maintained in the BG job general data, then the paramter rdisp/btctime allocate the free instance to complete the BG jobs in the wait queue.
  • increase the value of rdisp/btctime is possible.
  • Date/time background job scheduling,follow the GUI time, not the system(user) time.
  • change layout option is for adding additional information.
  • variant info,can be obtain in sm37-->select the job-->Menu -->Go to -->variants.
  • periodic job:
step1: General data

                job name
               exec. target



provide step  info


provide info:

periodic time
NO after time
time for scheduling etc..,

click check
click save

SAVE in sm36 screen.

info: To get the details start time & end time info, of BG job which need to double click on it.

  • if the BG job is in schedule or released status can be modified.
  • when copy of BG job happened,the start condition will not copy.

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Conversion from ECC to S/4 HANA Check List

Conversion from ECC to S/4 HANA Check List

This article gives complete check list, for the conversion process from ECC to S/4 HANA.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Background Jobs notes 3:Background job processing T-codes

Major T-codes in background job administration:

  1. sm36 
  2. sm36wiz
  3. sm37
  4. se16 --> tstc
  5. se38 --> run reports
                  create varients for the ABAP program.
  6. sm64 - event administrator
  7. sm61 - exec group administration.
  8. sm64 - creation of event.
  9. SM69 - to create external command.

Background Jobs notes 2:Background job processing

Background Jobs notes 2:Background job processing

in SM37, the information status of Background jobs are available.

  1. schedule: general job specification, define job step were defined.
    but not start conditions.
  2. Release : if once start conditions are defined, then BG will be released.
          releasing of TR, can be control with authorization 
  3. Ready: The set time condition started, 
                        the BG job is waiting for WP.
      4. Active: if BG job is assign with one wp, then the status of BG will be Active.
      5.finished: BG finished successfully.
                        can check job logs  &  spool logs.
      6. cancelled: either manually cancelled or due to leak of resources.

* copy of BG job is possible, when the JOB status is finished and can possible with any changes for the copied BG job.

* if the BG job status is finished or cancelled.then the job log or spool list are available.

monitoring BG job :

* JOB LOG: BG job log are available here.
* STEP: the steps involved in BG Job.
* spool - the spool button in sm37 is for monitoring  the BG job which involved with spool.
                out put can monitor in spool.
* change layout - to change the layout
                             to customize the standard layout of sm37 screen.

Monday, 8 April 2019

Spool notes 7: Printer device type

Printer device type:

To create new device type:

case 1: can create new Device type

case 2: copy already existing printer, and modify it according to the requirement.

creating steps:

  • T-code : SPAD
  • choose full admin

  • choose Device Types-->device types--> print controls-->text formats
  • create --> page format  -->format type. --> device type-->create print control.
  • select the printer from standard printer --> format--> select the format --> which was created just now

copy of already existing print device type is also possible, and changes to copied one with custom requires are also possible.                                                                                    

Spool notes 6: major reports in spool administration

Major report of spool administration 

All the below reports, need to run in SE38 T-code.
  • RSPO_SHOW_SPO_NUM                - to check the present status of spool 
  • RSPO1041                       - Delete old spool request.
  • RSPO1043                       - check consistency of the spool database.

Spool notes 5: Different status of spool request.

Status                                        Description

  --                                                                     spool req created successfully, but not output request.
 ++                                                                    still spool request is creating.

waiting                                                              output request is not processed.

Proc                                                                   the spool req is being converted o/p request process is                                                                             going on.

completed                                                          completed
                                                                           can print with change parameters

Time                                                                   the spool request is created with specific time.

spool notes 4: logical spool servers

Logical spool servers:

create spool server:

step 1: SPAD
step 2: spool services --> display 
step 3: Edit.
step 4: create.
step 5: provide details -->server name
                                    -->Max 20 characters
                                    --> server class: to specfic what kind of purpose, we are using 

                                                   1. mass printing (||||||||||||||||||||||)
                                                   2. prod printing (|||||||||||)
                                                   3.test printing (||||)

step 6: logical server ( ) check box. --> in the mapping field --> provide physical server

step 7: SAVE.

To organise better,create one logical spool server and assign in all the front end printer assignment.provide with an option of MASS PRINTERING

Alternative server:  every instance is created, need to create as logical spool server.
                                  Load balancing option allows every logical spool server to provide load balance between actually logical server & Alternate server.

spool notes -3:Local printer

Local printer configuration in SAP

step 1: T-code : SPAD.
step 2: output devices --> Display 
step 3: Edit 
step 4: click on Create button.
step 5: in the Device attributes tab --> select the Device type.
step 6: provide short name.
step 7:select device type.
step 8:provide model,location, message - open text.
step 9:Access method tab: ''C'' - Direct operation system call.   
           Host printer: provide printer name.
step 10: SAVE.

spool notes- 2: Creating Front end printer in SAP

Creating Front end printer in SAP

step 1: T -code: SPAD.

step 2: output device --> Display button.
            which will show the list of printer devices available in system.

step 3: Click on Edit button.

step 4: Click on Create button.

step 5: provide details:

            output device name, short name.

Step 6: In the Device attributes tab.

SAPWIN : rel.4x /sapld 4.09                           ( for the front end printer)

Spool server instance details

Device class:                                          

check box for locking the printer is available in this TAB.

Step 7 :  click on Access method tab.

Host spool Access method: G: for front end printer.

step 8: in the field Host printer: _ _ default 

step 9: click on SAVE

step 10: click on output Attributes

provide setting based on requirements of printer : 1. SAP cover page.
                                                                                2. SAP cover page language.
                                                                                3. Default tray in the printer( Xerox machine).
info: in front end printer every thing will be done on its own, so no need to adjust any thing in OUTPUT ATTRIBUTES tab.

step 11: click Tray info

eg: 1.invoice will be printed in the plan paper.
      2. Bill will be printed in the color paper.

step 12: SAVE.


SAPlpd is responsible for front end printing.

SAPlpd is installed with the SAP GUI frontend software. The executable file is called SAPlpd.EXE. 

Monday, 1 April 2019

Background Jobs notes 1:Background job processing

This post deals with

1. what is use of background processing?
2.basically what kind of job we will do?
3. how to perform the background processing? to schedule the background jobs?
5. how to monitor the background jobs?


  • As a BASIS consultant, all the long running program should be execute in background job in SAP system.
  • As an administrator, It is BASIS consultant job to schedule background job, monitor Background jobs, jobs are completing correctly or not.

Why Background jobs:

  •   if a program taking a long time, to complete, At a same time 10 long running program are schedule in Dialog mode then the server will freeze.
  • maximum ideal run time for each users are defined by using the below profile parameter:

    RZ11 -->rdisp/max_wprun_ time
          after the time exceeded, the session while exit, by show the error message as

                          maximum ideal time for session exceeded

  • modifications to the profile parameter: rdisp/max_wprun_ time, can be done only when all the users have problem in the standard T-codes.
  • even if the program is customized one, scheduling background job is possible.

based on hardware resources availability, can run multiple background jobs at a time.

  • one Background job can have multiple steps (programs) 
  1. A step can contain an ABAP program.
  2. An ABAP program with variant.
  3. An external command needs to be executes.
  4. An external program   needs to be executes.          

Priority: it is possible to schedule multiple background jobs at a time, based on priority, SAP software can understand which job need to execute first.

ex: class A job will executed first -->Next -->Class B -->class C, if all jobs are scheduled at same              time with different classes(A,B,C).


priority 1: Class A job with target servers(group).
priority 2: Class A job without target server (group).
priority 3: Class B job with target server (group).
priority 4: Class B job without target server (group).
priority 5: Class C job with target server( group).
priority 6: Class C job without target server (group).

  • in some situation very long running Background jobs need to be schedule in "CLASS C"

Tip:After certain long period of time, to avoid inconsistency & priority of background jobs only one CUA administrator need to schedule this Background job.

if all members are allowed to schedule, the Background job every one will believes that their Background jobs are important. they all will schedule the all the jobs in Class A without any thinking of finance related or priority of business process.

 in some situations Different approves are required for Class A.
ex: Approval from project manager.

Background jobs can be classified in to 2 types:                                                                                        

1. time based
2. Event based.

HOW to schedule a Background job?

General notes:

procedure to schedule a BG job:

consists of 3 parts

1. general job specification.
2.Definition of job steps.
3.Definition of start conditions. general job specification:
need to specify details like job name,job class, exec Target.

2. Definition of Job steps:

1.what ABAP program need to execute.
                   the ABAP program running in BG job, with selection screen+varient  ---> output can be seen either spool or email.
2. what external program need to execute: External command is an operating system command or script which need to execute at operating system level, can save in operating system and call from SAP system.

3.what external command need to execute: External program is also operating system command which will execute at operating system level.

3.Definition of start condition:

At what time , date these BG need to schedule.