1.check the present kernal version in SAP Application server:
2. Stop SAP Application:
5.Download the SAPEXE_XXX.SAR and SAPEXEDB_XXX.SAR from service market place.
6.Take backup of present kernal file:
Cd /sapmnt/<sid>/mkdir kernal_old
hostname: cp -r /sapmnt/<SID>/exe /sapmnt/<SID>/kernal_old
The above highlighted path is backup location of old kernal files.
7. Now move the SAPEXE_XXX.SAR and SAPEXEDB_XXX.SAR from step 4, To the directory /sapmnt/<sid>/exe.
8.Extract the kernal files in the /sapmnt/<sid>/exe using SAPCAR
NOTE: make damn sure that result for the above command should be
PWD should be /sapmnt/<sid>/exe:/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/SAPCAR -xvf * -manifest SIGNATURE.SMF
9. log in with root user
Issue the below command
./saproot.sh <sid>
10.start DB
- Su - <sid>adm
- Issue the below command to check present kernal version.
2. Stop SAP Application:
- login to putty session with root user id.
- su - <sid>adm
- cd /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/
- ./sapcontrol -nr 00 -function Stop Note:To stop CI, here CI instance number is 00.
- ./sapcontrol -nr 01 -function Stop Note:To stop CS,here CS instance number is 01.
- exit
- ps -ef | grep -i sap check whether any sap services are still running.
- you will found few sap services still running with user, <sid>adm.
- pkill -u <sid>adm Note: To kill all the process running with <sid>adm.
3.Stop DB: ( here my DB is HANA)
- login to putty session with root user id in to the DB host.
- su - <sid> adm
- pwd - To cross check whether you are in /usr/sap/<sid>/HDBXX/ . if not change pwd to /usr/sap/<sid>/HDBXX/
- HDB stop - To stop HANA database, it will take some time to complete execution.
- exit
- ps -ef | grep -i hdb
- in most of the cases, you will found still few services are running with user <sid>adm
- pkill -u <sid>adm Note: To kill all the process running with <sid>adm.
4. cleanipc XX remove
here XX - stands for instance number.
for more info above this step: click here
Note: cleanipc command will clean Inter Process Communication.
here XX - stands for instance number.
for more info above this step: click here
Note: cleanipc command will clean Inter Process Communication.
6.Take backup of present kernal file:
Cd /sapmnt/<sid>/mkdir kernal_old
hostname: cp -r /sapmnt/<SID>/exe /sapmnt/<SID>/kernal_old
The above highlighted path is backup location of old kernal files.
7. Now move the SAPEXE_XXX.SAR and SAPEXEDB_XXX.SAR from step 4, To the directory /sapmnt/<sid>/exe.
8.Extract the kernal files in the /sapmnt/<sid>/exe using SAPCAR
- Make sure that present kernal SAPEXE._XXX.SAR and SAPEXEDB_XXX.SAR are removed. Before exacting the latest target version kernal files.
- Can check with below Linux cmd:
Hostname: ll *.SAR
NOTE: make damn sure that result for the above command should be
- SAPEXEDB_XXX.SAR of the latest target version of kernal files.
- Login as <sid>adm
PWD should be /sapmnt/<sid>/exe:/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/SAPCAR -xvf * -manifest SIGNATURE.SMF
9. log in with root user
Issue the below command
./saproot.sh <sid>
10.start DB
- log in to the DB server host with root user.
- Su - <sid>adm
- HDB start -to start HANA Database.
11.start the SAP Application
- Log in to the SAP Application host with root.
- Su - <sid>adm
- Cd /use/sap/hostctrl/exe/
- ./sapcontrol -nr 01 -function start
- ./sapcontrol -nr 00 -function start
12.check the update kernal version now with the command.
Note: make sure that login user is <sid>adm.