Thursday, 30 January 2020

Kernal update in linux machine For HDB

1.check the present kernal version in SAP Application server:

  • Su - <sid>adm
  • Issue the below command to check present kernal version. 

2. Stop SAP Application:

  • login to putty session with root user id.
  • su - <sid>adm
  • cd /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/
  • ./sapcontrol -nr 00 -function Stop                   Note:To stop CI, here CI instance number is 00.
  • ./sapcontrol -nr 01 -function Stop                   Note:To stop CS,here CS instance number is 01.
  • exit
  • ps -ef | grep -i sap                                               check whether any sap services are still running.
  • you will found few sap services still running with user, <sid>adm.
  • pkill -u <sid>adm                                        Note: To kill all the process running with <sid>adm.
3.Stop DB:   ( here my DB is HANA)

  • login to putty session with root user id in to the DB host.
  • su - <sid> adm
  • pwd                              - To cross check whether you are in /usr/sap/<sid>/HDBXX/ . if not change pwd to /usr/sap/<sid>/HDBXX/
  • HDB stop                   - To stop HANA database, it will take some time to complete execution.
  •  exit
  • ps -ef | grep -i hdb
  • in most of the cases, you will found still few services are running with user <sid>adm
  • pkill -u <sid>adm                              Note: To kill all the process running with <sid>adm.
4. cleanipc XX remove

here XX - stands for instance number.

for more info above this step: click here

Note: cleanipc command will clean Inter Process Communication.

5.Download the SAPEXE_XXX.SAR and SAPEXEDB_XXX.SAR from service market place.

6.Take backup of present kernal file:

Cd /sapmnt/<sid>/mkdir kernal_old

    hostname: cp -r /sapmnt/<SID>/exe /sapmnt/<SID>/kernal_old

The above highlighted path is backup location of old kernal files.

7. Now move the SAPEXE_XXX.SAR and SAPEXEDB_XXX.SAR from step 4, To the directory /sapmnt/<sid>/exe.

8.Extract the kernal files in the /sapmnt/<sid>/exe using SAPCAR

  • Make sure that present  kernal SAPEXE._XXX.SAR and SAPEXEDB_XXX.SAR are removed. Before exacting the latest target version kernal files.
  • Can check with below Linux cmd:
         Hostname: ll *.SAR

NOTE: make damn sure that result for the above command should be
  2. SAPEXEDB_XXX.SAR of the latest target version of kernal files.
  • Login as <sid>adm

PWD should be /sapmnt/<sid>/exe:/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/SAPCAR  -xvf  * -manifest SIGNATURE.SMF

9. log in with root user

Issue the below command

./ <sid>

10.start DB

  • log in to the DB server host with root user.
  • Su - <sid>adm
  • HDB start  -to start HANA Database.
11.start the SAP Application

  • Log in to the SAP Application host with root.
  • Su - <sid>adm
  • Cd /use/sap/hostctrl/exe/
  • ./sapcontrol -nr 01 -function start
  • ./sapcontrol -nr 00 -function start

12.check the update kernal version now with the command.


Note: make sure that login user is <sid>adm.

IGS and IGS helper download path in SMP

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

To save one time password for your SAP logon shortcut

This is not an SAP Best practices and could lead to compliance issue *******

It is possible to save password of each SAP system in GUI Logon, which is very useful for  Security or BASIS people for non production system

Don’t save password of production system in GUI logon .

How to Save password :

1-      Create a Shortcut in SAP logon , and provide all details like  system, client and user id.
2-      By default the password field will be inactive, you can save the password by activating the same field using Reg Edit as below.
3-      Once it enabled, enter password and save
4-      To login, click on the shortcut which open the system without prompting the password.

To Enable password Field:-

1-      Start -> Run -> type “REGEDIT”
2-      In the Registry navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > SAP
3-      Right click on SAP folder, then use select NEW > Key and name it “SAPShortcut”
4-      Right click on SAPShortcut folder, then use select NEW > Key and name it “Security”
5-      Right click on Security then New > String Value. Name the string “EnablePassword”
6-      Double click on EnablePassword and enter ’1′ in the Value Data field, then press OK and close Registry

7-      The password field should be enable now.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Crontab six fields

Crontab file consists of command per line and have six fields actually and separated either of space or tab.
The beginning five fields represent time to run tasks and last field is for command.
1)Minute (hold values between 0-59)
2)Hour (hold values between 0-23)
3)Day of Month (hold values between 1-31)
4)Month of the year (hold values between 1-12 or Jan-Dec, you can use first three letters of each month’s name i.e Jan or Jun.)
5)Day of week (hold values between 0-6 or Sun-Sat, Here also you can use first three letters of each day’s name i.e Sun or Wed. )
6)Command Or Tasks

Cloud connector cleanup procedure

1.navigate to the OS path  /opt/sap/ssc

 service scc_daemon stop
2.To get the rpm name used in cloud connector

     rpm -qa | grep ssc

3.if any process are running in the above step, kill them

  1. To cleanup cloud connector system

                cd /opt/sap/scc

                          rm -rf*
  1.  rpm -e rpm name

                      rpm name for step 2
6.rpm -qa | grep ssc

    This time the result should be empty
     Just to ensure, the rpm removed completely.
7./tmp/ rm setup*
8./install/ rm <hostname of the login>

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

AWS accessing tools

AWS offers numerous ways to create and manage resources. Following are the different ways to access the features offered by AWS.

AWS Management Console - A web interface for AWS.
AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) - Commands for a wide set of AWS products.
***Command Line Tools***- Commands for individual AWS products.
AWS Software Development Kits (SDK) - APIs that are specific to programming language or platform.
Query APIs - Low-level APIs that are accessible using HTTP requests.

The AWS Command Line Interface is a unified tool that manages several AWS services from the command line and automates all the services through scripts.
aws-shell is a command-line shell program to offer productivity and ease features to aid advanced and new users of the AWS Command Line Interface.
Key Features Include:
  • Fuzzy auto-completion for Resource identifiers, Options, Commands.
  • Dynamic in-line documentation
  • Execution of OS shell commands
  • Export executed commands to a text editor

Saturday, 11 January 2020

How to extent sap data unit in sybase

In any database data units and log units are core places where the data of database resides. in this post  i am sharing the process of extending disk space of one data unit in Sybase.

In the below screenshots,  sapdata_1 to sap data _4 & saplog_1 to saplog_2 are available.

To extended the disk space of sapdata_4,execute the below commands:

% isql -Usapsa -SSOL -X
1> use master
2> go
1> disk resize name = "SOL_data_004",size="5G"
2> go
1> use master
2> go
1> alter database SOL on SOL_data_004 = '5G'
2> go

Note: the disk space from root is assigned to sapdata_4. 

Friday, 10 January 2020

issue : ASE user connection

ASE user connection
Use cases:

 1. If it is ASE installation  2. If App+DB are on same host or it is a Business Suite Installation. how to verify:
"1. Switch to syb<SID> and check the log in the file below: /sybase/<SID>/ASE16-0/install/<SID>.log 2. Error will be in below format: Number of connections exceeded" Solution:
"1. Switch to syb<SID> 2. login to isql: isql -Usapsa -S<SID> -X go 2. Change user connections: sp_configure ""number of user connections"",375 go "

Default user groups assigned for adm user

Reference system
Host1 :~ # id ta1adm
uid=54588(ta1adm) gid=1002(sapsys)groups=1002(sapsys),58045(ta1shm),1025(sapinst),1008(sdba)

Affected system
host2:/ # id CCPadm
uid=100001603(ccpadm) gid=1002(sapsys) groups=1002(sapsys),1025(sapinst),1008(sdba)

Thursday, 9 January 2020

How to check the HDB present status

  1. su - <sid>adm
  2. cd /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/ 
  3. ./sapcontrol -nr 02 -function GetProcessList

08.01.2020 05:49:11
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
hdbdaemon, HDB Daemon, GREEN, Running, 2020 01 08 05:22:16, 0:26:55, 84174
hdbcompileserver, HDB Compileserver, GREEN, Running, 2020 01 08 05:22:22, 0:26:49, 84370
hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver, GREEN, Running, 2020 01 08 05:22:25, 0:26:46, 84418
hdbnameserver, HDB Nameserver, GREEN, Running, 2020 01 08 05:22:17, 0:26:54, 84197
hdbpreprocessor, HDB Preprocessor, GREEN, Running, 2020 01 08 05:22:22, 0:26:49, 84372
hdbwebdispatcher, HDB Web Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, 2020 01 08 05:22:39, 0:26:32, 84877
hdbxsengine, HDB XSEngine, GREEN, Running, 2020 01 08

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

2EETW152 Cannot open file "trans.log". : Permission denied R3trans finished (0012).

<hostname>:vo0adm 24> R3trans -d
This is R3trans version 6.26 (release 749 - 23.04.19 - 20:19:01).
unicode enabled version
2EETW152 Cannot open file "trans.log".
: Permission denied
R3trans finished (0012).


<hostname>:/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe # su - vo0adm
<hostname>:vo0adm 17> pwd
<hostname>:vo0adm 18> ll
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 vo0adm sapsys 642 Jan  7 15:18 trans.log
<hostname>:vo0adm 19> chmod 777 *
<hostname>:vo0adm 20> ll
total 4
-rwxrwxrwx 1 vo0adm sapsys 642 Jan  7 15:18 trans.log

Saturday, 4 January 2020

How to stop , Start and drop tenant Database in HANA database

  1. open one putty session.
  2. $ su  - <SID>adm
  3. make sure that the present word directory ($ pwd) is /usr/sap/hana/HDB<XX>
  4. issue the below command:
                               hdbsql -U system -p <password>  -n vh<xxx><xxx><db>:3<XX>13

       Note: issue the below OS command to make sure the sid

df -h in the DB host, which will give DB<sid>
df -h in the application host,which will give Application <sid>

   5. To check for list of tenant databases available:

                     select * from M_DATABASES
   6.To stop the tenant DB issue the below command:

                 alter system stop database <SID>                     Note: choose one <sid> from step 5 query

   7.To start the tenant DB issue the below command:

                                        alter system start database <sid>

   8. To delete the tenant database permanently along with data in it, issue the below command:
        Make sure of your Tenant DB sid, which executing the below command, As it will delete every thing.


                                                drop database <SID>