Tuesday, 14 May 2019

SAP HANA COCKPIT NOTES 14: configuring cockpit settings,Setting Connection Timeout


In the Cockpit Manager, as a cockpit administrator, you can select Settings to configure data collection, proxy server settings, and the connection timeout period, and to control whether or not SAP HANA Cockpit displays auto-created groups.


As a cockpit administrator, you can reconfigure the default, pre configured SAP HANA cockpit global settings for collecting monitoring data, such as system status, alert counts, and other data from registered resources.


In the Cockpit Manager, select Cockpit Settings, and then Data Collection.

If necessary, you can change the defaults to specify:
● How many worker threads the collection service should use. Increasing threads can improve response time but uses more memory. The default is 5 threads.
● Whether and how often the cockpit collects system status and alert counts. The default is 60 seconds.
● Whether and how often the cockpit collects key performance area monitoring data from each managed resource.The default is 5 minutes.

There may be a brief lag before your changes in values take effect.


You can also modify the collection settings for a specific resource by editing the details of that resource. Doing so overrides the global settings for that particular resource. See Override Data Collection for a Resource.

  • The cockpit can support 1000s of registered resources.
 If the System Health Monitor displays ‘Not Collected’ for specific resources, you may wish to investigate the collection service log for rejected collections and reconfigure the worker threads accordingly.
Screenshots for the above scenario Task1:

step1: cockpit manager -->cockpit settings-->Data collection
Resultant screen look likes below:

Task 2:setting connection timeout

screenshot for the above timeout scenario:

Task 3: setting proxy server

screenshots for the above TASK 3: SETTING PROXY SERVER

cockpit manager--> cockpit settings--proxy                                                                                           

resultant screen:

TASK 4: Specifying Display of Auto-Generated Groups

As a cockpit administrator, you can choose whether or not SAP HANA cockpit displays resources as part of auto-created resource groups, or solely as part of resource groups that you create.

 A resource group—a named set of one or more registered resources—controls management and monitoring privileges. When you assign a cockpit user to a resource group that you have created, you enable the user to monitor and manage the group's resources through the cockpit. Each registered resource also belongs to a usage type resource group. These auto-created groups of resources (Production, Test, Development) are based on the system usage type of each resource. System usage type is configured during system installation, or later using the global.ini file with the usage parameter in the system_information section.

You can choose to hide one or more of the auto-created groups through the Cockpit Manager by selecting Settings, then Display, and deselecting or selecting each box. Opting to hide the auto-created groups does not affect the system usage type associated with the resource. It simply prevents the cockpit from organizing the display of resources by auto-created group.

screenshots for the above TASK4: scenario

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