Tuesday, 14 May 2019

SAP HANA NOTES 13: Delete a Cockpit User or Revoke Cockpit Access

As the cockpit user administrator, you can delete cockpit users. However, you will need to decide whether the underlying business user should remain.


Some cockpit users may have been created outside of the cockpit manager; their original purpose may have been to access other applications. Other cockpit users have been created through the cockpit manager for the sole purpose of accessing the cockpit. When you delete a cockpit user, you can choose to:
● Allow the underlying business user to remain (so that it can be used to access other applications), and only revoke the access to the cockpit.
● Completely delete the user.


1.Connect to the Cockpit Manager and sign in as a cockpit user administrator. You can reach the Cockpit Manager by entering the Cockpit Manager URL created during cockpit installation, or by following the Manage Cockpit link in the cockpit. The URL takes this form: 

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