- The most update region data center in AWS is US EAST (N. Virginia), Because it is the oldest Data center among all other data centers in AWS.so when ever a new services launches.It will first update in US EAST (N. Virginia).
- How to create new S3 bucket
- S3 pricing for better cost maintenance
- Enabling versioning in S3 bucket
- Life cycle management of objects in S3 bucket
- S3 prefix for increasing performance of S3
- What is multipart upload in S3
- What is S3 byte range fetches
- What is S3 select & Glacier select?
- Cross region replication of S3
- S3 Transfer acceleration
- Few other possibilities with S3
Basically instance have 5 distinct characters, based on which correct instance can be selected.
1. RAM(type,amount,generation)
2.CPU(type,make,frequency,generation,number of cores)
3.I/O (disk performance, EBS optimisations)
4.Network(network bandwidth,network latency)
5.Graphical processing unit(GPU): it is the graphical processing unit.in a normal computer that provides people a screen, it's used to compute the color of the pixels on a screen.
All types of instance information is available in https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/
35.CPU monitoring @ OS level and in AWS console level
36.I/O monitoring in both OS level and AWS console
37.Network monitor @ Linux Operating system Level
38.What is Burstable instance(T2) in AWS EC2
T2 Unlimited - How to configure unlimited brust
39. EC2 is one of the most popular of AWS offering,It mainly consists in the capability of
- Renting virtual machines (EC2)
- Storing data on virtual drives(EBS)
- Distributing load across machines(ELB)
- Scaling the services using an auto scaling group(ASG).Auto scaling is free service from AWS
- suppose if the desired value increased from 2 to 4 EC2 instances, then ASG will create 2 new instances automatically.
- vice versa if the desired value changes from 4 to 2 instances, then ELB will delete the 2 instances.
- Snowball/Snowmobile - which can be used to transfer huge data from on-premise to AWS datacenter through a private AWS network.
- Data sync agent - click here for more info
- AWS direct connect - click here for more info
- Access to ports
- Authorized or forbidden IP (ranges) - IPv4 and IPv6
- Control of inbound network( from other to the instance)
- Control of outbound network (from the instance to other)
- Can be attached to multiple instances.
- Locked down to a region /VPC combination.
- Does live outside the EC2 - if the traffic is blocked the EC2 instance won't see it.
- it's good to maintain one separate security group for SSH access.
- if your application is not accessible( time out ),then it's a security group issue.
- if your application gives a Connection refused error, then it's an application error or it's not launched.
- All inbound traffic is blocked by default
- All outbound traffic is authorized by default
You only paid for what you use.