Monday, 6 March 2023

List of freelancing work

In case any one want below freelancing work. contact me on - whatsapp link

VM services:

AWS: create
          /modify the VMs 

Azure: create
            /modify the VMs 


1.User administration in ABAP server/ CUA configuration /EULA support. 
2.client administration - 1. Local 2. export & import 3. Remote. 
2.IDES installation. 
3.SAP ABAP server installations.
4.System export and import - (on premise to cloud). 
5.SUM tool upgrades. 
6. SUM with DMO
7. SYSTEM conversion from ECC to S/4 HANA.
8.Kernel upgrades.
9. SAP support portal administration.


1.Provide Cloud infra for SAP HANA servers.
2.SAP HANA Installations.
3.SAP HANA upgrades.
4.SAP HANA Mini checks.
5.HADR configuration / monitoring.

Video classes

For all the video class, please contact me on - whatsapp link

1. Udemy - AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate [Latest Exam]: - RS  999/-

     index of course: Index    

Udemy - AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate [Latest Exam]

 Udemy - AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate [Latest Exam]

1. Course Introduction

1. Introduction

2. Recommended Study Plan for best results & Video Speed Control

3. Getting Organized & Summary PDF Download

3.1 Summary Final AWS CSAA Review Notes v1.0 FEB 2020

2. Introduction to Cloud Computing and AWS Global Infrastructure

1. On Premise Data Center , What is Cloud Computing

2. Cloud Computing Offerings - Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud

3. AWS as the Public Cloud IaaS Leader

4. AWS Global Infrastructure - Regions and Availability Zones

5. Architect Profession - Info you need to know

3. Getting Started with AWS - Free Tier Account Setup & AWS IAM Foundation

1. AWS Identity and Access Management 101

2. Hands on Lab - Creating Users and Account Password Policy

3. Hands on Lab - Protecting the Root user using Multi Factor Authentication

4. AWS Free Tier - Know what you are getting for free with your new account

5. Hands on Lab - AWS Billing Alerts and Cost Budgets

4. AWS Servcies Foundation - Introduction to  EC2, EBS, IAM, S3

1. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Foundation

2. Hands On Lab - Create your first EC2 instance

5. Core Knowledge - VPC,Sec Group,N ACL,Elastic IP,NAT,VPN,VPC Peering& D. Connect

1. Core Knowledge - VPC introduction

2. Core Knowledge - VPC Components - Implied Router and Route Tables

3. Core Knowledge -VPC Components - IP Addressing - Internet Gateway - Subnet Types

4. DEMO - VPC Overview Lab # 1

5. DEMO - VPC Overview Lab # 2

6. Core Knowledge - VPC Components - VPC Types and Introduction to Security Groups

7. DEMO VPC Lab # 3 - Creating A Custom VPC

8. DEMO - VPC Lab # 4 - Security Groups

9. Core Knowledge - VPC Components - Security Groups Mastery

10. Core Knowledge - VPC Components - Network Access Control Lists (N ACLs)

11. DEMO VPC Lab # 5 - Network Access Control Lists (NACLs)

12. Core Knowledge -  VPC - Network ACLs and Security Groups

13. Core Knowledge - VPC - Network ACLs vs. Security Groups

14. Core Knowledge - VPC Security Scenarios - Applying Security Group and N ACLs

15. Core Knowledge - VPC - Network Address Translation - NAT

16. Core Knowledge - VPC Peering

17. DEMO - VPC Lab # 7 - Working with VPC Peering Across AccountsRegions

18. Core Knowledge - Transit Gateway

19. Core Knowledge - VPC Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

20. Core Knowledge - VPC Direct Connect

21. Core Knowledge - Direct Connect Routing and Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs)

22. Hybrid Connectivity Use Cases   Scenarios

23. Core Knowledge - AWS Direct Connect Gateway

24. Core Knowledge - AWS Direct Connect Limits

25. AWS VPC - VPC Endpoints - Gateway Endpoint

26. AWS VPC - Hands On Lab - VPC Gateway Endpoint

27. AWS VPC - VPC Interface Endpoint

28. Hands On Labs - VPC Inteface Endpoints

29. Egress Only Internet Gateway (for IPv6)

30. Hands On Labs - Egress-only Internet Gateway

31. Core Knowledge - VPC Flow log and DHCP Option Sets

32. Hands On Labs - VPC Flowlogs

33. VPC Quiz 1

34. VPC Quiz 2

35. VPC Quiz 3

36. VPC Quiz 4

37. VPC Quiz 5

38. VPC Quiz  6

6. Core Knowledge - Master VPC (& its Components) Scenario-based Practice Questions

1. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #1

2. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #2

3. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions # 3

4. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #4

5. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #5

6. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions # 6

7. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #8

8. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #9

9. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #10

10. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions # 11

11. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #12

12. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #13

13. Core Knowledge - AWS VPC Set of Questions #15

7. Core Knowledge - Master Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Exam Required Knowledge

1. Core Knowledge - Elastic Block Store Types

2. DEMO - EC2 LAB - Creating an EC2 instance - Part 1

3. DEMO - EC2 LAB - Creating an EC2 instance - Part 2

4. DEMO - EC2 LAB - Creating an EC2 instance - Part 3

5. Hands On Labs - EC2 LAB - Encrypting the Root Volume of an EC2 instance

6. Hands On Labs -  LinuxMac users - SSH to an EC2 instance

7. Hands On Labs - Windows PC - SSH to A linux EC2 instance Using Putty

8. Hands On Labs -  EC2 Instance States

9. Hands On Labs - Instance Store-backed EC2 instance launch

10. EC2 Enhanced Networking and Placement Groups

11. EC2 Placement Groups

12. EC2 Status Checks and Monitoring

13. EC2 Instance States

14. EC2 Instance Termination and Termination Protection

15. EC2 Instance Metadata and User Data

16. Hands On Labs - EC2 Instance User Data

17. Hands on Labs - EC2 instance metadata

18. Migration tofrom AWS EC2 & VM ImportExport

19. Bastion Hosts

20. EC2 Instance Launch Modes (Purchase Options) - Reserved & Scheduled Instances

21. EC2 Instance Launch Modes (Purchase Options) Part 2

22. VPC and EC2 Instance Tenancy Attribute

23. Elastic Compute Cloud - Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs)

24. Elastic Network Interface (ENI) - IP Addressing

25. NAT instance SourceDestination Check

26. Public IPv4 address auto assignment

27. DEMO - TCPIP Packet Walkthrough - Deep Dive

28. DEMO LAB - EC2 - VPC Combined Project Lab - Part 1

29. DEMO LAB - EC2 - VPC Combined Project Lab - Part 2

30. DEMO LAB - EC2 - VPC Combined Project Lab - Part 3

31. DEMO LAB - EC2 - VPC Combined Project Lab - Part 4

32. DEMO LAB - EC2 - VPC Combined Project Lab - Part 5

33. DEMO - EC2 - NAT Instance Project - Part # 1

34. DEMO - EC2 Labs - NAT Instance Project - Part # 2

35. DEMO - EC2 Labs - NAT Instance Project & NAT Gateway - Part # 3

36. Troubleshooting EC2

37. EC2 Quiz 1 - 10 Questions

38. EC2 Quiz 2 - 10 Questions

39. EC2 Quiz 3 - 12 Questions

8. Core Knowledge - Master AWS EC2  - Exam Scenario-based Questions

1. Core Knowledge - EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #1

2. Core Knowledge - EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #2

3. Core Knowledge - EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 3

4. Core Knowledge - EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #4

5. Core Knowledge - EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #5

6. Core Knowledge - AWS EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #6

7. Core Knowledge - AWS EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #7

8. Core Knowledge - AWS EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #8

9. Core Knowledge - AWS EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #9

10. Core Knowledge - AWS EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #10

11. Core Knowledge - AWS EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #11

12. Core Knowledge - AWS EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #12

13. Core Knowledge - AWS EC2 Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #13

9. Introduction to Encryption and AWS KMS

1. Introduction to Encryption and Cloud HSM

2. AWS Key Management Service (KMS) - Introduction

3. AWS KMS - Customer Master Keys (CMK)

10. Core Knowledge - Master AWS's Elastic Block Store (EBS) Exam Required Knowledge

1. EBS - Block Store Types and IOPS Performance

2. EBS Snapshots

3. EBS Snapshots - 2

4. Hands On Lab - EBS Volumes and Snapshots

5. EBS Encryption 1

6. EBS Encryption 2 - Changing the Encryption state of an EBS volume

7. Hands On Lab - Root EBS Volume Encryption

8. EBS - Sharing EBS Snapshots

9. EBS - Copying EBS snapshots

10. Hands On Lab - EBS Encryption and Sharing Snapshots

11. EBS - Creating and Registering AMIs from Block Store Volumes

12. EBS -  Creating AMIs from EBS-Backed EC2 Instances

13. Hands On Labs - EBS - Creating and Sharing AMIs

14. Hands On Labs - EBS - Creating and Sharing AMIs - ENcryption Key permissions

15. EBS Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) and EBS volumes

16. EBS Quiz 1 - 12 Questions

17. EBS Quiz 2 - 12 Questions

18. EBS Quiz 3 - 10 Questions

11. Core Knowledge - Master AWS EBS - Exam Scenario-based Question

1. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #1

2. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #2

3. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #3

4. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #4

5. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #5

6. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #6

7. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 7

8. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #8

9. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #9

10. Core Knowledge - AWS EBS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #10

12. Core Knowledge - Master Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) Exam Required Knowledge

1. Core Knowledge - Elastic Load Balancer - Introduction

2. Core Knowledge - Elastic Load Balancer - How it works

3. Core Knowledge - How ELB works - Continued

4. Core Knowledge - How ELB works - Again !

5. Core Knowledge - ELB health checks

6. Core Knowledge - ELB Cross Zone Load Balancing

7. Core Knowledge - ELB Positioning - Internet-facing vs Internal ELB19. ELB Connection Draining

8. Core Knowledge - Refresher for TCP IP Packet flow

9. Core Knowledge - ELB  - Security Group

10. Core Knowledge - ELB - Network ACLs

11. Core Knowledge - ELB - Layer 4 TCPSSL Listeners

12. Core Knowledge - ELB - Layer 7 HTTPHTTPS Listeners

13. DEMO - ELB Service - Classical Load Balancer Overview and Lab Layout - Part 1

14. DEMO - ELB Service - Classical Load Balancer Overview and Lab Layout - Part 2

15. DEMO - ELB Service - Classical Load Balancer Overview and Lab Layout - Part 3

16. Core Knowledge - ELB & Sticky Sessions (Session Affinity)

17. Core Knowledge - ELB Security policy for SSLHTTPS sessions

18. SSLHTTPS authentication - Client and Server Certificates

19. ELB Connection Draining

20. ELB Monitoring

21. ELB Pre-Warming & Scaling

22. Testing you ELB scaling (or applications servers by ELB)

23. ELB Quiz 1 - 10 Questions

24. ELB Quiz 2 - 10 Questions

25. ELB Quiz 3 - 11 Questions

13. Core Knowledge - Master AWS ELB - Exam Scenario-based Question

1. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #1

2. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #2

3. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #3

4. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 4

5. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 5

6. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 6

7. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 7

8. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 8

9. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #9

10. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #10

11. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 11

12. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #12

13. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #13

14. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #14

15. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 15

16. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #16

17. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #17

18. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #18

19. Core Knowledge - AWS ELB Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #19

14. AWS Auto Scaling - Master Auto Scaling Exam Required Knowledge

1. Auto Scaling Introduction - The problem statement

2. Auto Scaling Components

3. Auto Scaling Features

4. Auto Scaling Availability Zone Rebalance feature

5. AddingDetaching EC2 instances tofrom Auto Scaling Groups

6. Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing Service

7. Auto Scaling health checks

8. Auto Scaling Health Checks - SNS Notifications & Merging Auto Scaling groups

9. Hands On Lab (HOL) - Auto Scaling - Part 1

10. Hands On Lab (HOL) - Auto Scaling - Part 2

11. Auto Scaling policiesplans - Part1 - Scheduled Scaling

12. Auto Scaling policies (plans) -Part2 - On-Demand Simple Scaling

13. Auto Scaling policies (plans) - Part 3 - On-Demand Step Scaling

14. Auto Scaling policies (plans) - Part4 - Target Tracking Scaling

15. Auto Scaling - Monitoring

16. Auto Scaling Quiz 1 - 11 Questions

17. Auto Scaling Quiz 2

15. Core Knowledge - Master Auto Scaling Scenario-based Practice Questions

1. Core Knowledge - AWS Auto Scaling Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #1

2. Core Knowledge - AWS Auto Scaling Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 2

3. Core Knowledge - AWS Auto Scaling Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #3

4. Core Knowledge - AWS Auto Scaling Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #4

5. Core Knowledge - AWS Auto Scaling Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #5

6. Core Knowledge - AWS Auto Scaling Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #6

7. Core Knowledge - AWS Auto Scaling Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 7

16. Introduction to Databases

1. Introduction to Relational Databases

2. Introduction to Non-Relational Databases (No-SQL)

3. Core Knowledge - RDS - Types and Examples of Non-Relational Databases

17. Relational Database Service (RDS)

1. Core Knowledge - RDS - Introduction lecture to the AWS RDS Service

2. Core Knowledge - RDS - Multi-AZ option

3. Core Knowledge - RDS - Subnet Groups

4. Hands On Lab - Creating an RDS instance

5. Core Knowledge - RDS - Automatic Backups

6. Core Knowledge - RDS - Manual Backups (Snapshots)

7. Core Knowledge - RDS - Multi-AZ part II

8. Core Knowledge -  RDS instance security and encryption

9. Core Knowledge - RDS - Read Replicas of RDS instances

10. Hands On Labs - RDS Instance Actions, Snapshots and Read Replicas

11. Core Knowledge - RDS - Billing and Reserved DB instances

12. Core Knowledge - RDS - Scaling

13. RDS Quiz 1 - 12 Questions

14. RDS Quiz 2 - 12 Questions

15. RDS Quiz 3 - 11 Questions

18. Amazon Aurora

1. Amazon Aurora - Introduction and Aurora Cluster Architecture

2. Amazon Aurora - End Points

3. Amazon Aurora Features - Autoscaling, Storage and Reliability, High Availability

4. Amazon Aurora - Security, Encryption, Global  DB, Aurora with other Services

5. Hands On Labs - Create an Amazon Aurora DB Cluster

6. Amazon Aurora Replication, Automated backup and Snapshots, Backtrack feature

7. Amazon Aurora Serverless

19. Core Knowledge - Master AWS RDS Scenario-based Practice Questions

1. RDS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #1

2. RDS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions # 2

3. RDS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #3

4. RDS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #4

5. RDS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #5

6. RDS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #6

7. Core Knowledge - AWS RDS Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #7

20. AWS Auditing, Monitoring, and Notification Services

1. Core Knowledge - AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)

2. AWS Simple Notification Service - Reliability & Security

3. Hands On Labs - Simple Notification Service (SNS)

4. Introduction to AWS CloudTrail

5. CloudTrtail Log File Integrity Validation

6. Amazon CloudWatch - Introduction

7. CloudWatch - How it works, Cloud Watch Concepts

8. Amazon CloudWatch Alarms

9. Hands On Labs - CloudWatch Alarms

10. CloudWatch Logs - Introduction and Concepts

11. CloudWatch Logs Insights, CW and EC2, CloudTrail, S3 and ElasticSearch

12. Hands On Labs - CloudWatch Logs with VPC FlowLogs and CloudWatch Alarms

13. AWS CloudWatch Logs - CW Agent, Real Time Processing, and Cross Account Logging

14. CloudWatch Events

15. Hands On Labs - CloudWatch Events

21. Core Knowledge - Master Simple Storage Service (S3) Exam Required Knowledge

1. Amazon  S3 - Introduction to Object Storage

2. Amazon  S3 - Data Consistency models in distributed storage systems

3. Amazon S3 - AWS S3 Buckets - 1

4. Amazon  S3 - Objects

5. Amazon  S3 -  Buckets - 2

6. Hands On Labs - Creating a S3 bucket and uploading Objects

7. Amazon S3 - Bucket Versioning and MFA Delete

8. Hands On Labs - S3 Bucket Versioning

9. S3 - Managing Access and Access Policies

10. Amazon S3 Access Policy types

11. Amazon  S3 - Understanding Bucket and Object ACLs - Closer Look

12. Amazon  S3 - Copying  Uploading S3 Objects

13. S3 Storage Classes - Part 1

14. S3 Storage Classes - Part 2

15. Amazon  Glacier - Archive Retrieval in Glacier

16. Amazon  S3 Bucket LifeCycle Policies

17. Hands On Labs - S3 Lifecycle PoliciesRules

18. Amazon  S3 - Server Side Encryption (SSE)

19. Amazon  S3 Server Side Encryption - Detailed

20. Hands On Labs - S3 Server Side Encryption

21. Amazon  S3 - When to use Access Control Lists with Buckets & Object

22. Amazon  S3 - When to use Bucket and User Policies

23. Amazon S3 - Static Website Hosting in an S3 Bucket

24. Hands On Labs - S3 Static Website Hosting

25. Amazon S3 - Pre-Signed URLs

26. Amazon S3 - Cross Region Replication (CRR) 1

27. Amazon S3 - Cross Region Replication 2

28. S3 Same Region Replication - SRR

29. Hands On Labs - S3 - SRR and CRR

30. Amazon S3 - Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

31. Core Knowledge - S3 - Transfer Acceleration

32. Amazon S3 Performance considerations and best practices

33. Amazon S3 and Glacier SELECT

34. Core Knowledge - S3 - Billing

35. Core Knowledge - S3 - Notification and S3 Monitoring

36. Hands On Labs - Installing AWS CLI on Windows, MacOS, and Linux

37. S3 Quiz 1 - 9 Questions

38. S3 Quiz 2 - 9 Questions

22. Core Knowledge - Master AWS S3 Scenario-based Practice Questions

1. Core Knowledge - AWS S3Glacier Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #1

2. Core Knowledge - AWS S3Glacier Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #2

3. Core Knowledge - AWS S3Glacier Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #3

4. Core Knowledge - AWS S3Glacier Exam Scenario-based Set of Questions #4

23. File System options - EFS and FSx

1. AWS Elastic File System (EFS) - Introduction to the Service and Mount Targets

2. AWS EFS - Use Cases , Use in On Premise Servers , Storage Classes, Pricing

3. Hands On Labs - EFS

4. AWS EFS - Data Encryption, EFS Data backup, EFS and AWS Datasync, Monitoring EFS|

5. AWS FSx for Windows File Server - Introduction, Deployment options & Encryption

6. Amazon FSx - Data Protection, BackupRestore, Access, Monitoring and Security

7. Hands On Labs - Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

8. Amazon FSx for Lustre

9. Amazon EFS vs FSx for Windows vs FSx for Lustre

10. Hands On Labs - Amazon FSx for Lustre

24. Amazon Route 53 - AWS's Domain Name System (DNS) Service

1. Amazon Route 53 - Introduction to DNS System and DNS Hierarchy

2. Amazon Route 53 - Registering Domains with Route 53

3. Amazon Route 53 - Steps to configure ROUTE 53

4. Hands On Labs - Registering a Domain Name with Route 53

5. Amazon Route 53 -  Hosted Zones

6. Amazon Route 53 -  Working with Hosted Zones

7. Hands On Labs - Creatingtesting the Lab setup and Route53 Simple Routing

8. Amazon Route 53 -  Supported DNS Record Types

9. Amazon Route 53 - Alias or No Alias - CNAME vs Alias records

10. Hands On Labs - Route 53 Alias Records

11. Amazon Route 53 - Health Checks

12. Amazon Route 53 - Routing Policies - Failover & Geolocation Routing

13. Hands On Labs - Route 53 Health Checks and Failover Routing

14. Hands On Labs -  Route 53 Geolocation (Geo) Routing

15. Amazon Route 53 - Latency and Weighted Routing Policies

16. Hands On Labs - Route 53 Latency Routing

17. Hands On Labs - Route 53 Weighted Routing

18. Hands On Lab - Amazon Route 53 MultiValue Answer

19. Amazon Route 53 Resolver

20. Hands on Labs - Route 53 Resolver

21. Amazon Route 53 - Pricing

22. AWS ROUTE 53 - Quiz 1 - 8 Questions

25. Core Knowledge - AWS CloudFront

1. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) introduction

2. Amazon CloudFront - Static and Dynamic Content

3. Amazon CloudFront - Introduction

4. Amazon CloudFront Regional Edge Cache

5. Amazon CloudFront Distributions

6. Amazon CloudFront - Origin types

7. Amazon  CloudFront - Content Delivery

8. Amazon  CloudFront - Alternate Domain Names

9. Amazon CloudFront - Supported HTTP Methods & Serving Private Content

10. Amazon  CloudFront - Viewer & Origin Protocol -  & Object Invalidation

11. Hands On Labs - Configuring a Cloudfront Web Distribution with a S3 AWS  Origin

12. Amazon  CloudFront - Field Level Encryption & WAF & GeoRestriction

13. Amazon CloudFront - Video Streaming Access Logs & Cloudtrail Pricing

14. Global Accelerator

15. Hands-On Lab  Global Accelerator

16. AWS Cloudfront Quiz # 1 - 4 Questions

26. Messaging and Integration

1. AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS) - Introduction

2. AWS SQS - Polling types and SQS Timers

3. AWS SQS - Reliability, Security, and Encryption

4. Hands On Labs - Simple Queue Service and Integration with SNS

5. AWS SQS - Monitoring, SQS queue names, and Logging

6. Amazon MQ

7. AWS SQS Quiz 1 - 7 Questions

8. AWS SQS Scenario Based Practice Questions Set #1

9. AWS SQS Scenario Based Practice Questions Set #2

27. Amazon Serverless Services

1. Introduction to AWS Lambda

2. AWS Serverless (lambda-based) Applications building blocks

3. AWS Lambda Function Invocation types

4. AWS Lambda Triggers - Event Sources that can Trigger a Lambda Function

5. Hands On Labs - Lambda and S3 as a Trigger

6. AWS Lambda Use Cases

7. AWS Lamda Scaling, Versioning, and Service Limits

8. AWS Lambda - Operatins and Monitoring

9. AWS Lambda@Edge

10. AWS Lambda Quiz 1 - 5 Questions

11. AWS Lambda Scenario Based Questions Set # 1

12. Introduction to AWS API Gateway

13. API Gateway Architecture , API Methods and Resources

14. API Gateway - Scaling - Throttling and Caching

15. API Gateway CORS & API Operations and Monitoring

16. Hands On Labs - API Gateway

17. AWS API Gateway Quiz 1 - 7 Questions

18. AWS API Gateway Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 1

19. AWS API Gateway Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 2

20. AWS DynamoDB - Review of NoSQL and Data Types

21. DynamoDB Introduction

22. DynamoDB tables, components, Primary Key

23. DynamoDB Table Throughput

24. Hands On Labs - Creating a DynamoDB SImple Key table and Global Tables

25. DynamoDB - Local and Global Secondary Indexes

26. Hands on Labs - DynamoDB Local and Global Secondar Indexes

26.1 DynamoDB Global Local Secondary Indexes 1

26.2 DynamoDB Global Local Secondary Indexes 2

27. DynamoDB Local,  BackupRestore, Point in Time Reovery,  and TTL

28. Hands On Labs - DynamoDB Point in Time Recovery, On Demand Backup and TTL

29. DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

30. DynamoDB Streams

31. DynamoDB Transactions

32. Amazon Neptune and DocumentDB (With MongoDB compatibility)

33. 7-5) DynamoDB Scalability, Throttling, and Limits

34. DynamoDB Quiz 1  - 11 Questions

35. DynamoDB Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 1

36. DynamoDB  Scenarios Based Practice Questions Set # 2

28. AWS Caching, Big Data, Data Streaming, Analytics,  and IoT Services

1. Amazon Elastic Map Reduce - Introduction

2. AWS EMR - Clusters, Nodes, and deployment in an AZ

3. Amazon Elasticache Introduction

4. Amazon ElastiCache - Caching Strategies

5. Amazon  Elasticache for Memcached

6. Amazon  Elasticache for Redis

7. Amazon  ElastiCache Quiz # 1 - 7 Questions

8. Amazon Elasticache Scenario Based Questions set #1

9. Amazon Elasticache Scenario Based Questions set #2

10. Amazon Elasticache Scenario Based Questions set # 3

11. 5-1) AWS Kinesis - Introduction

12. 5-2) AWS Kinesis Data Streams

13. Hands On Labs - Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

13.1 Kinesis lab

14. 5-3) AWS Kinesis Data Firehose

14.1 Kinesis lab

15. Hands On Labs - Kinesis Firehose

16. 5-4) AWS Kinesis Analytics

17. AWS Kinesis Quiz 1

18. 5-5) AWS Kinesis Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 1

19. 5-6) AWS Kinesis Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 2

20. 5-7) AWS Kinesis Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 3

21. 5-8) AWS Kinesis Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 4

22. 4-1) AWS Redshift - Introduction

23. 4-2) AWS Redshift BackupRestore & Monitoring

24. 4-3) AWS Redshift - High Availability, Data Durability, Scaling and Billing

25. 7-6) DynamoDB integration with RedShift and AWS EMR plus Best Practices

26. AWS Redshift Quiz 1 - 3 Questions

27. 4-4) AWS Redshift Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 1

29. AWS Services and Strategies for Deployment Management

1. Amazon CloudFormation

2. Amazon Cloudformation Template Components

3. Hands On Labs - Creating a CF Stack, Updating a Stack, and Stack Change Sets

4. AWS OpsWorks - Introduction

5. AWS Opsworks Stacks and Layers

6. AWS OpsWorks Components

7. AWS Elastic BeanStalk - Introduction

8. Elastic BeanStalk - Components and Concepts

30. Amazon Elastic Container Services (ECS)

1. 8-1) AWS EC2 (Elastic) Container Service [ECS] - Why we need it

2. 8-2) AWS ECS - Introduction to Docker

3. 8-3) Introduction to AWS ECS

4. 8-4) AWS ECS Launch Types

5. 8-5) AWS ECS - Task Definitions and Tasks

6. 8-6) AWS ECS and IAM Roles

7. Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

8. AWS ECS Quiz 1 - 5 Questions

9. AWS ECS Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 1

10. AWS ECS Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 2

31. Core Knowledge - Application Load Balancer

1. Classic Load Balancer Refresher and Weaknesses

2. Introduction to Application Load Balancer

3. ALB Components explained

4. Hands on Labs - Creating Route Targets and Application Load Balancer

5. ALB Listener Rules

6. ALB Content Routing ( Host and Path based routing)

7. ALB - Containers and Microservices Support

8. ALB and ECS Dynamic Host Port Mapping

9. Hands-On Lab  ECS and Application Load Balancer

10. Monitoring the ALB

32. Amazon Network Load Balancer (NLB)

1. Amazon ELB -  Network Load Balancing (NLB) - Agenda

2. Quick Amazon ELB Recap

3. Amazon NLB - L2.5 Features and How it Works

4. Amazon NLB - Features and How it Works (Cont.)

5. Amazon NLB - Supported Target Types

6. Amazon NLB - Source IP Address Preservation

7. Amazon NLB - Proxy Protocol - Health Checks - Monitoring

8. Amazon NLB - Troubleshooting Some Common Problems

33. AWS Identity and Access Management ( IAM ) and AWS Directory Services

1. AWS Directory Services - Introduction

2. AWS Services - AWS Microsoft Active Directory - 1

3. AWS Directory Service - AWS Microsoft AD - 2

4. AWS Directory Service - AWS Simple AD

5. AWS Services - AWS Directory Services - AWS Connector

6. AWS Directory Service  Quiz # 1 - 5 Questions

7. AWS Directory Service - Scenario Based Questions Set # 1

8. AWS Directory Service - Scenario Based Questions Set # 2

9. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) - Introduction

10. IAM - Features

11. IAM Elements

12. IAM Elements (Actions and Resources)

13. IAM & Identity Federation

14. IAM - Identities - Groups , Roles and Temporary Credentials

15. IAM Identity-based and Resource-based policies

16. IAM Users deep dive

17. IAM User Credentials detailed

18. IAM Roles

19. IAM Service Roles

20. IAM Role Delegation

21. AWS Cross-Account Access

22. Cross Account Access with External ID

23. IAM Users and Roles - When to use what

24. IAM Logging using AWS CloudTrail

25. IAM Best Practices

26. AWS IAM Quiz 1 - 12 Questions

27. AWS IAM Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 1

28. AWS IAM Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 2

29. Security Token Service (STS) - Introduction

30. WebID Federation and STS Credentials

31. Using STS Security Credentials - WebID Federation example

32. Web Identity Federation using STS

33. Identity Federation with SAML 2.0 - AWS API Access

34. Identity Federation with SAML 2.0 (Console Access

35. AWS Single Sign-On (SSO)

36. AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF)

37. Hands-On Lab  AWS WAF

38. AWS Secure Token Service (STS) Quiz 1 - 5 Questions

39. AWS STSID Federation Scenario Based Practice Questions Set # 1

34. Amazon Data Migration Services and Hybrid Cloud

1. AWS Snowball

2. AWS Snowball, SnowBall Edge, Snowmobile

3. Hands On Labs - AWS Snowball Console Walkthrough

4. AWS Storage Gateway - Snowball - VM ImportExport

5. Hands On Labs - AWS Storage Gateway console Walkthough

6. AWS DataBase Migration Service (AWS DMS)

7. AWS Database Migration Services - How it works and Schema Conversion Tool (SCT)

8. AWS DMS Components - Replication Instance, Multi AZ, DMS and VPC

9. AWS Server Migration Service (SMS)

35. Misc Services

1. AWS Organizations

2. AWS Organizations - Components

3. AWS Organizations - Features

4. Hands-On Lab  AWS Organizations and Service Control Policies

5. AWS Glue - What is it, how it works, and its components

6. AWS Systems Manager

7. AWS Parameter Store

8. AWS Secrets Manager

9. Hands-On Lab  Secrets Manager and Parameter Store

10. Amazon Athena

11. Hands On Labs - Amazon Athena

11.1 Athena DLL file

12. AWS Service Catalog

13. AWS Config

14. AWS Batch

15. Amazon X-Ray

16. AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM)

17. Amazon SWF - Introduction , Benefits and Concepts

18. AWS SWF - Concepts , Task Types and Endpoints

19. AWS Step Functions

20. Amazon GuardDuty

21. Amazon Inspector

22. Amazon Macie

23. Amazon WorkSpaces

24. Amazon WorkDocs

25. AppSync

26. Elastic Transcoder

27. Elasticsearch

36. Wrap Up

1. Exam Blueprint and AWS website tour (certification and documentation knowledge)

2. Requesting 30 Minutes additional Exam time for Non Native English Speakers