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Sunday, 9 June 2019
Tuesday, 4 June 2019
BASIS: SAP Production server down
Article describes...
This article describes about very familiar activity of BASIS consultant called what to do why production server down.
list of Activities:
case 1:
- check the internet connection in end user system.
As soon as BASIS consultant got to know the server is not connect from bussiness end users and every thing is good at server side.
Note: some times it is problem with internet connection also. and business user might not have knowledge on check the internet connection.
case 2:
- check the GUI properties
in some situations BASIS consultants will moved the server and it's data from on-premises to cloud. in this kind of situations. cross check the GUI properties might help you.
case 3:
check whether the SAP APPLICATION is ON or NOT with the help of SAP MMC (windows) or SAP MC.
case 4:
ping the network connection to check network speed.
in some situations, server connection will takes long time because of less bandwidth internet connection.
syntax: ping -t <server host ip address>
case 5:
- check whether the SAP<SID>_<instance no.> services are running in services.msc or not
if not turn it ON.
case 6: R3trans -d in the cmd prompt
to check the connect between database and SAP application server.
CMD's can help here are:
- start DB
- HDB start ( only if the database is HANA).
- check the internet connectivity between SAP application server and Database.
case 7: startsap.bat
check whether the startsap.bat file is running in the cmd prompt of SAPROUTER system or not.
case 8: check the log in work directory.
path: usr/sap/SID/instance/work
- startsrv for instance start.
- disp_dev for dispatcher start problem.
- disp_wo for work process.
- disp_enq for en queue related logs.
collect the key words for the error and search in google,Service market place and sap blogs.
case 9: check for the startup profile,instance profile old backup file availability.
replace then as actual profile file and try to start the server.
reason: because some times the recent change in these profile files may be reason for server down.
case 10: check the port availability
sapstart.srv is used to start sap application.
- it contains , instance no,wp no.related data to start.
- when sapstart.srv starts, it will binds with HTTP(5<XX>13) and HTTPS(5<instance number>14) ports.
check the port configuration in sapctrls<instance number> in etc/services.
case 11: start the sap application with sapcontrol cmd.
- need to log in server with <SID>ADM user or switch to <SID>ADM user from the root user.
- cmd -
sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -host <hostname> -prot NI_HTTP -function Start
sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -host <hostname> -function Start
sapcontrol -nr <instance_number> -host <hostname> -function Start
case 12:
start the sap application with SAP MC and check the recent logs
suppose the server stopped working for the past half an hour on wards. we have option of filter in SAP MC to check the logs for server for half an hour on wards.
case 13: sapstart.srv is not appeared in services.msc
/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEMGS00/exe--> found sapstart.exe and run as administrator
proper root authorization for the files in linux and unix environment.
case b:
some times the file size of sapstart.exe is of size ''0'' KB
At that time need to download from
Case 14: enter proper details in instance services.
case 15: check the Transaction logs size in the disk .
their may be the reason of server down because of No space in transaction logs.
case 16: Host entries
To control & monitor sapstart.exe or sap instance host entries, need to enter in etc/driversto maintain fully qulified hostname
snote: 1476386,1872990.
case 17 : check the file path location of exe files
case 18:
Note: Ports must be free
1. dispatcher port: 32<instance no>
2.gateway port : 33<instance no>
3.ICM port: 80<instance no>
4.message server port: 36<instance no>
Snote: 1845121 - how to find the process listening on port.
case 19:
check whether any file system is full.
cmd for linux based servers - df -h
cmd for unix based servers - df -gt
in window based server Remote desktop access is required to check file system space.
Note: in all the above 3 server environment, can use the T-code ST06 for SAP Application file system monitoring.
in window based server Remote desktop access is required to check file system space.
Note: in all the above 3 server environment, can use the T-code ST06 for SAP Application file system monitoring.
Case 20:
if all the above cases were not able to solve the server down issue.
- check the kernal version of SAP application, with disp+work cmd in /usr/sap/sid/sys/exeuc/NTADM64/ path.
- download new kernal files with same version. and replace them.
Note: 10 out of 1 changes are their for the availability of server after this. if all the above 19 cases fails.
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