Saturday, 27 July 2019


6.*SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(SLES)
7.* Suport Hardware platforms
     sap note: 2493172
8.* 1900823 - SAP HANA Storage --> Attachments -->storagewhitepaper
10.Concept of swap-in and swap-out --> My reference Snote.
13.Measure System & Performance - Scale-up Systems ðŸ’¢maintenance activity


1.  overview & list of activities can do in HANA cockpit.

9.Setup and Administration with the Cockpit Manager.

10.How to manage database users credentials in HANA cockpit.

11.creating cockpit user.

12.Grant a cockpit user access to specific groups.

13.Edit Settings for a Cockpit User.

14.Delete a Cockpit User or Revoke Cockpit Access.

15.configuring cockpit settings,Setting Connection Timeout.

16.Working with resource and Resource groups.

17.HOW to check multi-tenant databases list in HANA studio(HDBSQL console).

18.Export Resources in cokcpit.

19.Importing resources in hana cockpit.

20.Managing resource groups.

21.Add or Remove Resources in Resource Groups

22.Delete a Resource Group

23.Add or Remove Users in Resource Groups

24.Managing Resources, Users, and Groups with the Cockpit APIs

25.Send a Notification to Logged-In Users in HANA cockpit

26.View Logs to Troubleshoot the Cockpit.

27.How to trouble shoot hana cockpit issues

28.Configure SSO Access to a Resource

29.creating NEW tenant Database in HANA

30.How to reset system user password in SAP HANA environment

31.Deleting or dropping tenant database to start and stop tenant DB

33.Assign the OS User and Group for High Isolation

34.brief note on HANA studio.

35.How to create new package in HANA studio

38. HANA cretification notes series - introduction

39. Pre-requsites for HANA DB installation

      How to check HA replication info
41.HANA DB Refresh
     user password reset for user re-use in hdbuserstore list

42. HANA Administration with python scripts

Backup and recovery:

1.  Backup and recovery introduction

HANA Concepts:

Delta merge in SAP HANA


SQL command for CPU utilization in HANA DB


Dynamic Typing:


  1. Create ROW TABLE:
  2. Syntax for creating new column store table
  4. Exporting and importing table data and definations
  5. Monitoring memory Usage of table
  6. Managing Large tables with partitioning

Slow system -wide performance: time dump file creation in SAP HANA
2. Kernel profile in SAP HANA
3. Snote - 2600030 - parameter recmommandations in SAP HANA environments.
                                  Scripts to be executed in SYSTEM DB and Tenant database level.
4. Snote - 2114710 - FAQ - SAP HANA Threads and Thread samples on how to identity and solve problems with running and blocked threads.
5. HANA_Global_TimeFrameReport_2.00.043+.txt and load history 
6.HANA_LoadHistory_services_2.00.030+.txt to do following

Evaluate CPU/Memeory/Disk
Check running vs waiting Threads
check on MVCC versions
Check Blocked Transactions /locking issues

Thursday, 25 July 2019

SAP HANA Notes 33: Assign the OS User and Group for High Isolation

supporting links:

how to assign existing OS user and OS group for tenant  isolation: Snote:2811263

SAP HANA notes 29: How to reset system user password in SAP HANA environment

How to reset system user password in SAP HANA environment


step1: log in the putty session with <SID>ADM.
step2:  navigate to: usr/sap/<SID>/HBDXX/exe
step3: stop SAP Application - in case the system installation in non distributive using the cmd as                   below:
           sapcontrol -nr <XX>   -host <HOSTNAME>   -function Stop
                                  HDB stop  
wait for the process until the SAP application turn off.
step4: Now open another putty session and login with <SID>adm user.
step5:To start the name server of the system DB.
           usr/sap/<SID>/HDBXX> ./
step6: Navigate to /usr/sap/<SID>/HBDXX/exe >hdbnameserver -resetusersystem

step7: after completing the step 6 execution.
           provide new password for system user.
step8: start the DB - HDB start
           start the Application -    sapcontrol  -nr <XX> -host <Hostname> -function Start
step9: Hurrah!!!
login with new system user password  in HANA studio.

                                                   ---Thanks for visiting my Blog---

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

SAP HANA notes 32: how to start and stop tenant DB

                                             click here

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

less /etc/passwd : to get the list of user list in detail

  • To check the list of users in Linux machine(another method): 

SAP HANA COCKPIT NOTES 28: creating NEW tenant Database in HANA

Article About:

how to create new tenant database in HANA DB through HANA COCKPIT.


here are the steps to create new tenant database in HANA cockpit,

1.connect to system database --> navigate to overview page.

2. on the overview page, click the overall tenant statuses tile to open manage databases. on create tenant button.
3b. then click on create empty tenant option.

4. provide inputs 

  • tenant database name: SID
  • system user password: 
  • conform system user password: 
  • in Advanced settings:
                start Automatically  is enable by default.

Note: will have option to defined HOST and port details in case of distributive

Have an option to add additional services based on tenant Database technical and business requirements.

5. Finally click on Create tenant database.

6.conformation screen is as below.                                                                                                             

7. the new tenant database need to add in resource groups by administrator through cockpit manager.      
open cockpit manager -->register resources-->register resource--> provide inputs like host name, instance name & number.

create a tenant database using SQL query in HANA studio.with 3 steps.

step1:  open SQL cmd window from HANA studio.
step2:  Run the SQL query as shown in the below screenshot.
step3: finally execute it.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Disk Management 3: Automatic backup of old Transports to usr/sap/trans/olddata folder.

Note : the performance of SAP system will increase by the above process. while importing the Transport request. Because of unavailability of OLD Transport request in the import buffer.